Around the world, two billion people living in material poverty frequently lack access to meaningful work that could support their families. HOPE International invests in the dreams of underserved families, empowering individuals to utilize their God-given skills and creativity. Additionally, they offer an invitation to find soulful satisfaction in Christ. In Paraguay, Diaconía, a Hope International partner, comes alongside vulnerable communities to provide holistic development through small group loans, vocational and financial training, and church-based savings groups. Diaconía has a heart for reaching the least-served and prioritizes serving single mothers, women, rural communities, and makeshift settlements.
GSV Impact: To date, the GSV grant has equipped Diaconía to provide an estimated 1,283 loans totaling over $260,000 to Paraguayan entrepreneurs.* Each client receives Christ-centered training and discipleship as they build their businesses and invest in their dreams. With a 95% loan repayment rate, the impact of the GSV grant will multiply to serve more families as Diaconía recycles that loan capital to new entrepreneurs.
*Illustrative estimate based on Diaconía’s average loan size of $208 and 4-month loan cycle. The
$100,000 was disbursed, paid back, and loaned out again, 2.6 times to be exact.
GSV Investment: $100,000